Sweet Hour of Prayer

Amazing love, how rich and free,
That God would pour His grace on me;
Forgive all my iniquity,
And save my soul eternally.

Behold His matchless sovereign grace,
He sent His Son to take my place;
To bear my sin and then to die,
The law’s demands to satisfy.

Amazing love, how can it be,
That Christ would die on Calvary?
‘Twas by that death He ransomed me,
From condemnation I am free.

Redeeming love surpasses thought,
O what a work my Savior wrought;
He drank the cup of vengeance dry,
To save my soul and justify.

Amazing love remains my theme,
For in that bloody, crimson stream,
All of my sins were washed away,
Christ Jesus died my debt to pay.

Redeeming love will be my song,
When I shall join the heav’nly throng:
Then gathered round His throne above,
We’ll sing of His amazing love.

Tune: “Sweet Hour of Prayer,” p. 361 (LM/DOUBLE)
Words by preacher Jim Byrd


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