Hosanna, Yahshua --- Save Now Jesus!
cried unto Thee;
save me, and I shall keep Thy
testimonies." -PSALM
119:146 [KJV]
you know anything for yourself inwardly and experimentally of the
evils of your heart, the power of sin, the strength of temptation,
the subtlety of your unwearied foe, and that daily conflict betwixt
nature and grace, the flesh and the spirit, which is the peculiar
mark of the living family of heaven, you will find and feel your need
of salvation as a daily reality. Think not that the only salvation to
be felt and known is salvation past—salvation
accomplished by the bloodshedding and death of the Son of God. There
is salvation present— an inward, experimental, and continual
salvation communicated out of the fulness of Christ as a risen
you want to be daily and almost hourly saved? But from what? Why,
from everything in you that fights against the will and word of God.
Sin is not dead in you. If you are reconciled and brought near
to God; if you have an interest in the precious blood of Christ; if
your name is written in the Lamb's book of life, and heaven be your
eternal home, that does not deliver you from the indwelling of sin,
nor from the power of sin either, except as grace gives you present
deliverance from it. Sin still works in your carnal mind, and will
work in it till your dying hour. What then you want to be saved
from is the guilt, filth, power, love, and practice of indwelling
report by preacher J.C. Philpot (1802-1869 A.D.)