"Having a good conscience."
-I PETER 3:16 [KJV]

We cannot often see our faith, but we can sometimes see our conscience. We cannot always rejoice in the Lord, but we can see whether we fear His great name. We cannot always triumph over our enemies, but we can sometimes observe whether there is a sentinel upon the look out.

Thus, if you want to know whether you have faith, look at faith's companion, see what faith is attended by; and if you find not "a good conscience," write death upon your religion. Throw away your sword; it is useless; it is of human manufacture; it will break in pieces when you have to encounter your enemy, the king of terrors; God's lightning will shiver it then. But if the Lord has given you "a good conscience," a tender conscience, a pure conscience, He will strengthen your arm to fight the good fight of faith.

You will often think your sword is so short, and your arm so weak that you cannot fight the Lord's battles. But if He has given you "a good conscience," a conscience tender in His fear, He has put into your hands the sword of faith, and He will one day manifest it clearly, that He has Himself equipped you with it, by giving you victory over all your foes. Oh, may the Lord raise up in our hearts some sweet testimony that we have "a good conscience," and then we shall have this blessed consolation, that concerning faith we shall not make shipwreck.

-Gospel report by preacher J.C. Philpot (1802-1869 A.D.)


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