Hear Ye! God's Best for His Glory and His Purchased People


by preacher D.G. Miles McKee

“For Christ also hath once suffered
for sins, the Just for the unjust,
that He might bring us to God…”

-I PETER 3:18 [KJV]

Anglican Bishop, Taylor Smith, was sitting one day in a barber's shop having a shave. He spoke to the barber about being right with God, the barber replied, "I do my best and that's good enough for me!" When the bishop's shave was completed, and the next man had taken his place, he asked, "May I shave this customer?" "Oh, no!" replied the barber firmly. "But I would do my best," said the Bishop. "So you might," replied the barber, "but your best would not be good enough for this customer." "No, and neither is yours good enough for God," was the bishop's reply.

In Christ, God gave us His best. Trust Him and have eternal life. Reject Him and perish!

At the cross, God’s Lamb, Jesus Christ, took the sins of His people and suffered as an innocent substitute—the just for the unjust—that He might bring us to God
[I PETER 3:18]. Since repetition is the price of learning, let’s say again that, as our substitute, He died not merely for us, He died instead of us and as though He were us.

In Christ, God gave us His best!

Nothing can accurately and fully describe the suffering of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit must reveal it to us. But this we know; when the scripture says that Christ,
“Once” suffered, it doesn’t mean “once upon a time.” There’s no fairy tale here folks! It means “once and for all.” He suffered, never to suffer again. He died, never to die again. In Christ, God gave us His best!

Spurgeon said, “No soul ever ate a morsel more dainty than this one—substitution. I do think that this is the grandest truth in heaven and earth—Jesus Christ the
Just One died for the unjust, that He might bring us to God. It is meat to my soul. I can feed on it every day, and all the day.”

When Jesus bowed His head and cried out, “
tetelestai!” (IT IS FINISHED) it was not a strange word to those who heard Him.

In Jesus’ day, when a man was placed in prison, a Certificate of Debt was nailed to his prison door with his crime on one side and the penalty on the other. When he had served his time, written on his Certificate of Debt was
tetelestai, “Finished … Paid in Full.” It became his proof positive that the demands of justice had been met. He had suffered, never to be brought into double jeopardy for those crimes again.

The believer, as it were, now has a Certificate of Debt stamped in the crimson blood of Jesus. It reads,
“Paid in Full!” You can’t add to it. You can’t take from it. In Christ, God gave us His best!

It has been said many times, “Without Christ, we can do nothing.” That’s true, and the flip side is also accurate,
“With Christ, there’s nothing we need to do!” Jesus has done and paid all to redeem us. It is Finished!

“But this man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down at the right hand of God.” -HEBREWS 10:12

One sacrifice for sins forever! If we really understood what our Substitute went through for us, we would never stop praising the Father for giving us His best …Jesus.

One sacrifice for sins forever! Hallelujah for the blood of Jesus Christ that paid for us in full,

No condemnation now I dread:
Jesus, and all in
Him, is mine!
Alive in
Him, my living Head,
And clothed in righteousness divine,
Bold I approach the eternal throne,
And claim the crown, through Christ my own.

In Christ, God has given us His best!

And that’s the Gospel Truth!

NOTE: Please pray about giving to this ministry. Monthly donations have recently dipped severely.

Please also pray for our upcoming conference in Mois Bridge, in Kenya, Africa. Hundreds of pastors, leaders and believers will be assembled to learn about the grace of God in the Gospel!


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