Jesus Christ the Same Yesterday, and To Day and For Ever!
have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because
ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth."
2:21 [KJV]
you ever noticed that the lies of all false religion always change?
What they declared years ago is not the same now, their lie always
has to change to fit the culture and times of the day. Not so with
the truth of God, it is always the same, never needs to be updated,
improved or changed. What was true two thousand years ago is still
true today. “Salvation
is of the LORD”
The Lord our God does not change [MALACHI 3:6] and His truth does not need to change. The Lord our God is the keeper of truth [PSALM 146:6]. It is the truth of the Word of God, and the Word of truth that sets sinners free [JOHN 8:32-36]. The lies and falsehood of men will never set sinners free because it is only the lie of the devil [JOHN 8:44]. God does not use the lies of men and the devil to teach us the truth! "Let God be true and every man a liar" [ROMANS 3:4]. Thanks be unto God for His gospel truth that never changes! "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day and for ever" [HEBREWS 13:8]. May the Lord be pleased to cause us to believe the truth, keep us in the truth and help us to declare Christ the truth to all that will hear it [JOHN 14:6; II TIMOTHY 4:1-4].
The Lord our God does not change [MALACHI 3:6] and His truth does not need to change. The Lord our God is the keeper of truth [PSALM 146:6]. It is the truth of the Word of God, and the Word of truth that sets sinners free [JOHN 8:32-36]. The lies and falsehood of men will never set sinners free because it is only the lie of the devil [JOHN 8:44]. God does not use the lies of men and the devil to teach us the truth! "Let God be true and every man a liar" [ROMANS 3:4]. Thanks be unto God for His gospel truth that never changes! "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day and for ever" [HEBREWS 13:8]. May the Lord be pleased to cause us to believe the truth, keep us in the truth and help us to declare Christ the truth to all that will hear it [JOHN 14:6; II TIMOTHY 4:1-4].
-Gospel report by preacher Tom Harding
Grace church of Pikeville, Kentucky USA
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