Doctrinal Error

All doctrinal error can be traced to a twofold ignorance: [1] not knowing who God is and what His attributes are and [2] not knowing what happened in the fall and the devastating effect it had upon all men. It is in the Word of God that we find the Lord identifying Himself, and it is in this same book that the Lord describes all mankind as being spiritually dead sinners. If we have shallow thoughts about God and His holy character, then we will have shallow thoughts about our depravity and guilt. If we do not have some understanding of the perfections of God, then we will have wrong thoughts about our own sinfulness and corruption. If we do not perceive God to be holy and just, we will consequently have wrong views about the way He saves sinners.

Holding unscriptural beliefs concerning God and sinful self always leads to wrong conclusions about salvation. It is only in the light of God’s holiness that we see and know what sin is and it is only in the Book of God that the way of sin’s removal is set forth in a manner consistent with His law and justice. The reason men staunchly maintain their beliefs in free-willism, justification by works and salvation accomplished by man is because they lack a Biblical knowledge of God and a Biblical knowledge of themselves. Every man by nature has too low an opinion of God and too high an opinion of self, and those errors always lead to wrong conclusions about the way of salvation.

It is only when the Spirit of Illumination shows us from the Scriptures something of the purity of God that we will see our own sinfulness and realize that salvation has to be all of grace, fully accomplished by Jesus Christ and His triumphant work of redemption. Until then, men will continue to try and establish a righteousness of their own and refuse to submit to the righteousness established by the Savior when He died as God’s sacrifice for sin and the Substitute of His people.

-Gospel report by preacher Jim Byrd

Thirteenth Street Baptist church of Ashland, Kentucky USA

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