Faith - a Gift from God

Before any sinner can or will come to Christ, he must be born again. Faith is the result, not the cause of the new birth. That faith by which we receive God's salvation in Christ is the gift of God. "Salvation is of the LORD," in its entirety! It is not of works at any time in a believer's life, God will never be brought into debt by the works of any man, He will never owe a blessing, ALL IS OF GRACE.

Faith in Christ is as much the gift and work of God's free grace as election, redemption, and regeneration. If you believe, it is because God has given you faith [PHILIPPIANS 1:29]. You "believe according to the working of His mighty power" [EPHESIANS 1:19]. Faith is not the work of the sinner's imaginary "free will." Faith is the gift of God's sovereign grace, the result of God's operation upon the heart. "For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God."

-Gospel report by preacher Don Bell


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