A Testimony

These are the last words of James Guthrie, Scottish preacher, spoken from the scaffold where he was beheaded for preaching the gospel on the first day of June, 1661 A.D. In the face of death the LORD granted this fellow bold utterance to preach the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ for a full hour to the large crowd that had gathered:

"I am come here to lay down my life this day, and I bless God, I die not as a fool; not that I have anything wherein to glory in myself. I acknowledge that I am a sinner, yea, one of the greatest and vilest that has owned a profession of religion, and one of the most unworthy that has preached the Gospel. My corruptions have been strong and many, and have made me a sinner in all things, yea, even in following my duty. And therefore righteousness have I none of my own. All is vile, but I do believe "that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners, whereof I am chief." Through faith in His righteousness and blood have I obtained mercy; and through Him, and in Him alone, have I the hope of a blessed conquest and victory over sin and Satan, and hell and death, and that I shall attain unto the resurrection of the just, and be made partaker of eternal life. "I know Whom I have believed, and that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day." I have preached salvation through His name, and as I have preached, so do I believe, and do commend the riches of His free grace and faith in His name unto you all, as the only way whereby you can be saved."


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