What Is Your Grounds of Assurance?

To those who struggle with assurance, saying, "There are so many times that I do not feel saved," I would remind you that, before you came to Christ, there were many times you did not feel lost! Did your lack of "lost feeling" that time mean that you weren't lost? Of course not! For feelings have nothing to do with whether or not we are lost. Do you not see that it is the same with respect to whether or not we are saved? Martin Luther said it well when he wrote:

"For Feelings come and feelings go,
And feelings are deceiving;
My warrant is the Word of God;
Naught else is worth believing."

There it is! God's Word! There is our foundation. The Scriptures never instruct us to feel, but to believe. If you do not feel, believe anyway! It does not say, 'For by grace are you saved through FEELINGS.' Feelings are a look inward, at ourselves. Faith is a look outward at Christ. Feelings change because they look at a changing object ­ ourselves. Faith never changes, for it looks at an unchanging object ­ Christ! May God grant you grace to look to Him.

-Gospel report by preacher Joe Terrell


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