Christ & the Life of the Believer

All the ground of a believers righteousness and salvation, and exemption from the Law, sin, and the curse, is from the nature, office, and transaction or work of Christ, and Gods accounting, or imputing. Christ stood clothed in our nature, betwixt God and man, and in that with all the sins of believers upon Him, God having laid on Him the iniquities of us all. In His Office He obeyed, suffered, satisfied, and offered up Himself, and now sits as a Mediator to perpetuate or make His sacrifice, obedience, suffering, and righteousness everlasting; and thus bringing in everlasting righteousness; and God accounts, reckons or imputes all that is done in our nature, as done by us, calling things that are not, as if they were; and in His person, as in our person; and thus He is made sin for us Who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.”

-Gospel report by preacher John Saltmarsh, 1649 A.D.


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