What Does God Require of Us?

What does God require of us now? Some say He requires that you do the best can do. No! He requires that you do the best God can do. He requires that you love HIM with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. That means 100 percent. Some say that He “only” requires that you love your neighbor as yourself. Are you listening to what God requires? Now where does that leave you?

This ought to shut our mouths. For we know we cannot render unto God what He requires. This is impossible with you and I. But, BLESS THE GOD OF HEAVEN IT IS POSSIBLE WITH THE LORD JESUS. He fulfilled all that the Father required and satisfied His holy justice perfectly for all who believe.

God demands perfection in that He is perfect Himself, and He will not accept anything short of what He is. I must have a perfect Saviour. John the Baptist found the sacrifice when he cried, “Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world.” Oh, may you and I be found in HIM, “The LORD our Righteousness.”

Gospel report by preacher Scott Richardson

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