Think of these things...

"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise,THINK ON THESE THINGS." -PHILIPPIANS 4:8 [KJV]

Finally brethren, last but not least, give yourselves to meditate on these things of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul says in another scripture, "Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all" (I TIMOTHY 4:15). Take note of these eight words that describe the gospel.

1). The gospel of Christ is unquestionably true. In the word of the gospel we have the truth declared about sin (ROMANS 3:9-23); the truth declared about salvation (II TIMOTHY 1:9; ACTS 4:12); the truth declared about God's Christ (ROMANS 3:4; ISAIAH 45:21-22). Our Lord said it is the truth that sets sinners free (JOHN 8:32).

2). The gospel of Christ is indisputably honest or honorable. When God justifies a sinner through the blood atonement of Jesus Christ (I JOHN 4:10), God always justifies the ungodly in His described way that honors His holy law and satisfies His righteous justice (ISAIAH 42:21; I PETER 1:18-20).

3). The gospel of Christ is undeniably just or righteous. The question of all questions is, How can God be just and justify the ungodly? The only right answer is found in the gospel of grace (ROMANS 3:24-26). It is only revealed in the gospel how God can show mercy not at the expense of His holy justice (Psalm 85:10).

4). The gospel of Christ is irrefutably pure or perfect. Nothing but the blood of Christ can cleanse us from all sin (I JOHN 1:7). Jesus Christ alone, by Himself purged us from all our sin (HEBREWS 1:3).

5). The gospel of Christ is incontestably lovely. To you who believe Jesus Christ is most precious (I PETER 2:7); He is altogether lovely (SONG OF SOLOMON 5:16). We love Him only because He first loved us (I JOHN 4:19).

6). The gospel of Christ is obviously a good report, or Good News. The gospel is the power of God unto salvation to every one that will believe it (ROMANS 1:16). Christ died for the ungodly (ROMANS 5:6). God justifies the ungodly (ROMANS 4:5). Jesus Christ came to save sinners (MATTHEW 9:13).

7). The gospel of Christ is definitely a virtue or excellent. Christ completely provides for all His church everything that God demands (PHILIPPIANS 4:19 COLOSSIANS 2:9-10).

8). The gospel of Christ is absolutely worthy of all our praise and glory to God alone (REVELATION 5:9-14; PSALM 115:1 GALATIANS 6:14).

Now my friend, "Think on these things."

-Gospel report by preacher Tom Harding

Zebulon Grace church of Pikeville, Kentucky USA

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