The Wisdom and Power of God

The wisdom of God therefore shines most gloriously in permitting Satan to bruise the heel of Christ; and the same wisdom will also overrule all the displays of his malice toward His Church. The gates of hell shall not prevail against it. He permits the enemy to put forth his mightiest efforts as against the saints; but He lives to redeem their souls from both “deceit and violence; and precious shall their blood be” in the sight of Him who shed His blood for them. His efforts are those of a conquered foe.
All persecutions aimed by Satan against the Church have contributed to the spread and furtherance of the Gospel. And all his attacks upon individual believers are overruled to their profit and prosperity. We thereby learn our own weakness, and are driven to the Strong for strength. We discover our own foolishness, and are led to the Wise for wisdom. “The way of life is above to the wise, that he may depart from hell beneath.”

There are times when the life of God in the soul appears to be at a very low ebb. Faith, love, hope, prayer, patience, are very feeble, while corruption and indwelling sin are strong; but “the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.” There is more power in grace to endure however it be opposed… More power in our faith to overcome the world and Satan than in the world and Satan to conquer us. More power in our prayer, through “the power that worketh in us” even through the feeblest whisper, than in the blast of Satan to quench its flickering flame.

Are not our prayers strongest when we are weakest? More power to endure temptation and get the victory than in the tempter’s fiercest thrusts. It is still the lame who take the prey, and leap and dance. Mephibosheth still sits at the royal table in the sunlight of the king’s smiles; and publicans and harlots still get first into the kingdom. The more Satan afflicts us, as in the days of his servant Pharaoh, the more we multiply and grow. When we are weak, then we are strong; and the thorn rankling in the flesh helps us to glory in our weaknesses, that the power of Christ may rest upon us. And, blessed be God,

The feeblest saint shall win the day,
Though death and hell obstruct the way.”

-Gospel report by preacher William Wileman (1848–1944 A.D.)


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