The Blood of Christ makes us clean from all sin!

It takes a miraculous, powerful, and even invincible work of the Holy Spirit to convince self-righteous sinners such as we are that our works and efforts to obey God, even our efforts to follow Christ, do not make us holy or righteous before God. Good works are the fruit of the life, power, and grace of God given us in and by the Lord Jesus Christ, but good works do not make us good. Tears of repentance and sorrow are the workings of Christ in the hearts of His people, but these tears do not and cannot wash away or cleanse us from our sins. It is the blood of Jesus Christ alone that cleanses us from ALL sin and makes us righteous in God’s sight. As we endeavor to worship the Lord with our songs, our prayers, our messages, let us remember that the only way God can and will accept us or our efforts is through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ alone.”

Gospel report by preacher Bill Parker

Eager Avenue Grace church of Albany, Georgia USA

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