Priceless, Life-Giving Words

-JOHN 8:11

These are the priceless, life-giving words spoken by our Saviour to the woman taken in adultery. This poor creature was discovered in the actual act of fornication and dragged before Jesus by those who thought themselves righteous. These men knew full well Christ´s love and compassion for poor sinners and had no doubt heard His blistering denunciations against the Pharisees. But here was a case in which they were convinced Christ would be compelled to condemn this miserable woman.

There was no denial on her part. It appears she had nothing to say; … she was guilty. And like all of us when at first we stood guilty before God, we had no reason to give as to why a swift sentence should not be passed.

These men, the poor woman´s accusers, depended for their salvation upon their strict fulfilment of the ceremonial law and were judged accordingly. In other words, they relied upon themselves and their works. But when convicted by Christ´s words, “He that is without sin let him cast the first stone," they were self-condemned and went out one by one.

There must have been surprise and joy on her part when He spoke the words, "Neither do I condemn you: go and sin no more."

We must not forget, too, that these were not merely the words of a man, but the words of God. If He had condemned her, it would have been divine condemnation. But Jesus came not to condemn the world, but to save sinners. He will come one day to judge, but His mission then and now was and is to seek and to save those that were and are lost (LUKE 19:10).

"Neither do I condemn thee." What words of comfort to that poor woman! And He still says the same to all who come to Him with nothing to plead but His mercy.

Jesus said, “Neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more." In other words, “Don´t commit adultery again.  Turn away from it. I believe she was empowered to do just that because of Christ´s bold declaration, “Neither do I condemn you.” Grace gives life and power while the Law alone brings death.

Jesus could have said, “Serves you right” But He didn´t! BTW, “It serves you right” is the response of the Pharisee and the graceless Christian (so-called). Oh, that all who name the name of Jesus would beware of that condemning spirit! I am afraid that we, God's children, are too apt to condemn each other for failure.

"Neither do I condemn thee." To the young and old Christian, alike, these are sweet words. Are you fearful that because you have failed the Lord Jesus that you, therefore, don´t belong to Him?  That´s a lie.  Go to Him, though your failures are many, His words remain the same, "Neither do I condemn thee."

“But, I´m not sure I am saved,” you say. OK, let me ask you, “Do you want to be one of His?" Yes! “You question your salvation, but do you doubt Him?” No! “Do you believe that He died and rose again?” Yes! “Do you believe that He is the Lord?” Yes!

Then, you are His. Go to the Lord Christ. Look unto Him. His words are, "Neither do I condemn thee." The Psalmist's words are right, "Like as a father pitieth his children, so the LORD pitieth them that fear Him” (Psalm 103:13). “For He knoweth our frame; He remembereth that we are dust" (Psalm 103:14). His mercy is "from everlasting to everlasting" (Psalm 103:17). If it were not so, who would stand? No one. He must and will uphold us from beginning to end. To Him be all the praise and glory!

And that´s the Gospel Truth!

-Gospel report by preacher D.G. Miles McKee

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