Only Before The LORD

ONLY BEFORE AN ALMIGHTY, SOVEREIGN LORD will a person sincerely bow down and worship; only by the will and work of an almighty, sovereign Lord can a person be assured of an eternal salvation; and only in the care of a loving, sovereign Father will a person find comfort in the trials of life. For the least things in our lives are ruled and ordered by our Lord as well as the greatest! Do you believe this?

God's reign and rule includes the simple and inconsiderable things. He clothes the lilies of the field, He feeds the fowls of the air, not a sparrow falls without Him and the very hairs of your head are numbered. Shall He not clothe, feed, and care for His children? I can rest and rejoice when One so great and mighty loves me and has determined that all things shall work together for my eternal good (ROMANS 8:28).

-Gospel report by preacher Henry T. Mahan

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