One Savior!

I would never minimize the importance of repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Bless the name of our Lord, He grants us repentance to turn from our idols, to forsake our dead works and He gives us faith to embrace the Lord Jesus Christ as our Prophet, Priest and King. We look to the blood and righteousness of this blessed Savior as the only way whereby a holy God can justly accept fallen sinners. Still, faith and repentance are not saviors. They are not our righteousness. There is but one who is the Savior from sin and He is "THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS."

He is the only Mediator between a holy God and sinful men. He Alone bore the sins of His people and endured the wrath of God in their stead. Christ satisfied offended justice by His substitutionary sacrifice. Full and free salvation is found only in Him. When conscious of sin and troubled by guilt, we must not retreat to repentance and faith for our comfort and assurance of salvation. We must always flee to the blessed Redeemer Himself. Repentance forsakes all false ways and faith comes to Him who is the living Way.

The ground or basis of our confidence must not be in what we have done (repenting and believing); our refuge and hope must solely be that glorious Person and work of Him Whose name is the Lord Jesus Christ.

-Gospel report by preacher Jim Byrd


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