Christ is The Way I See

With blinded eyes I thought I saw

A way to God for me.

And long I stumbled on that path,

Unable God to see.


But, God in mercy came to me

And gave me sight that I might see.

There in His word revealed to me,

Christ is the Way, Christ is the Way!

I thought at first that I must go

To Moses and his law;

And in them find a starting place

But never one I saw.

I looked within my troubled heart

While searching in my care;

But all I found was sin and shame,

No way to God was there.

Then, all at once, before His

I heard a herald say,

“Behold the Lamb, the bloody Lamb

This Jesus is God’s Way!”

And even now, in unbelief,

My eyes too often stray

And wander to some earthly means

And I would fall away.

Chorus for last verse:

But, God in mercy comes to me

And gives me sight that I might see.

There in His Word reveals to me.

Christ is the Way, Christ is the Way!

-Words by preacher Gary Shepard

Hymn, The Cleansing Wave


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