A Ransom for Many!

The Son of God very specifically tells us that He gave His life "a ransom for many" (MATTHEW 20:28). It is nowhere suggested or implied in the Word of God that Christ made atonement for, redeemed, or ransomed the entire human race, many of which were already in hell when He died. Those for whom Christ died are described as "many," not all, because these many are a distinct and peculiar people.

They are the "many" who are ordained unto eternal life (ACTS 13:48), The "many" the Father has given to the Son (JOHN 6:37-39), The "many" whose sins He bore on the cross (I PETER 2:24), The "many" for whom His blood was shed for the remission of their sins (MATTHEW 26:28), The "many" who are made righteous by His obedience (ROMANS 5:19), The "many" sons, He, THE CAPTAIN OF THEIR SALVATION, brings to glory (HEBREWS 2:10).



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