What Will You Do With Jesus?

Pilate saith unto them, What shall I do then with Jesus which
is called Christ? They all say unto him, Let Him be crucified.”
-MATTHEW 27:22 [KJV]

Pilate’s words are often morphed into, “What will you do with Jesus?” That is legitimate, for in asking the crowd what they wanted him to do with Jesus, he was asking what they would do with Him if they had the power and authority to carry it out.

Many have used this version of Pilate’s words as a challenge to their audiences, “What will YOU do with Jesus?” But, we already know what Pilate and the people did with Jesus: they crucified Him. It would do us well to note that the man who asked the question was a proud and pompous man, willing to kill anyone who became a risk to his ability to gain and maintain power. And the people to whom the question was put were seething with hatred for Jesus, and in keeping with their hatred, they called for His death. And that is the way it always is when men ask other men what they will do with Jesus. The pride of man concerning His power, authority, and righteousness will always compel him to reject Christ. So the question of what people will do with Christ is irrelevant for it is always the same: rejection.

The more important question is, “What will Jesus do with you?” The Lord made it clear to Pilate that he had no power to do anything to Jesus unless heaven allowed it. And shortly before His ascension, Jesus told His disciples that all authority in heaven and earth had been given to Him. We have no power or authority over Jesus, so it is useless to ask what we will do with Him. But Christ has all power and authority over us, so it makes perfect sense for a sinner to ask, “What will Jesus do with me?”

Yet, there is an even more fundamental question than that. In order to understand the gospel, the most important question to answer is this, “What did God do with Christ?” for this will determine what Christ will do with you and what you will do with Him. What did God do with Jesus?

1) God laid all the sins of His wandering sheep on Christ which means that God charged all of their sins to Him as though He was the one who actually did them (ISAIAH 53:6).

2) God crushed Him for those sins. In verse 10 of Isaiah 53 it is written, “Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise Him; He hath put Him to grief.” Since the sins of God’s elect were charged to Jesus, God, the Judge of All, did what He always does to those who come before Him with sin on them - He did all that a just and holy God can do in response to sin. God crushed Jesus, put Him to grief, forsook Him and made His soul an offering for sin.

3) Such was the character of the Lord Jesus that all this wrath from God poured out on Him was sufficient to put away the sins that He bore. Therefore, because of Christ’s willingness to suffer wrath in the place of God’s people and because of the success of His work as our Substitute, God raised Him from the dead, raised Him to His right hand and gave Him the name that is above all names so that everyone in heaven and earth will bend the knee and call Him Lord.

So the gospel message is, “What did God do with Jesus?” Whenever the Spirit of God is pleased to join His power to the preaching of that message, rebel hearts are broken and angry hearts reconciled to God.

-Gospel report by preacher by Joseph Terrell

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