Thank You, LORD JESUS!

"But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus." -PHILIPPIANS 4:19 [KJV]

Oh! if there were no Christ Jesus, there could be no "supply." Howling in hell would our miserable souls be, unless there were a Mediator at the right hand of the Father; a blessed Jesus, full of love, pity, and power, co-equal and co-eternal in His divine nature with the Father and the Holy Ghost, and yet the God-Man, in Whom "it hath pleased the Father that all fulness should dwell."

If there were not such a blessed Mediator at the right hand of God, not one drop of spiritual comfort, not one particle of hope, not one drop of fruit of the Spirit to distinguish us from the damned in hell, would ever be our lot or portion. Oh! we should never forget the channel through which these mercies come; we should never, for one moment, think that they could come through any other Person or in any other way, than through God's only begotten Son, now in our nature, at His right hand, as our Advocate, Mediator, and Intercessor with the Father.

And this supply is
"according to the riches of His glory;" which is, I believe, a Hebrew idiom, signifying his glorious riches - riches so great, so unlimited, so unfathomable, raising up the soul to such a height of glory, that they may well be called "glorious." And these "in Christ Jesus;" stored up in Him, locked up in Him, and supplied freely out of Him, just according to the wants and exercises of God's people.

-Gospel report by preacher J.C. Philpot (1802–1869 A.D.)


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