In The Grip of our Mighty God

"Who shall separate us
from the love of Christ?"


Be this never forgotten, that if we have ever been brought near to the Lord Jesus Christ by the actings of living faith, there never can be any final, actual separation from Him. In the darkest moments, in the dreariest hours, under the most painful exercises, the most fiery temptations, there is, as with Jonah in the belly of hell, a looking again toward the holy temple. There is sometimes a sigh, a cry, a groan, a breathing forth of the heart's desire to "know Him, and the power of His resurrection" that He would draw us near unto Himself, and make Himself precious to our souls. And these very cries and sighs, groanings and breathings, all prove that whatever darkness of mind, guilt of conscience, or unbelief we may feel, there is no real separation.

It is in grace as it is in nature; the clouds do not blot out the sun; it is still in the sky, though they often cut off his bright rays. And so with the blessed "Sun of righteousness"; our unbelief, our ignorance, our darkness of mind, our guilt of conscience, our many temptations--these do not blot out the Sun of righteousness from the sky of grace. Though thick clouds come between Him and us and make us feel as though He was blotted out, or at least as if we were blotted from His remembrance, yet, through mercy, where grace has begun the work, grace carries it on--"Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ" (PHILIPPIANS 1:6).

-excerpt from "Ears From Harvested Sheaves" by preacher J. C. Philpot


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