There is a Fountain

The hymn states, “There is a fountain filled with blood, drawn from Immanuel’s veins.” What exactly is this blessed and glorious fountain? It is the fountain of God’s free and sovereign grace in the Lord Jesus Christ, Who is Himself “Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, GOD WITH US (MATTHEW 1:23). As God manifest in the flesh, the Lord Jesus Christ shed His own precious blood unto death to pay the sin-debt of all His people. God’s Word tells us that “where sin abounded, grace did much more abound” (ROMANS 5:20). Grace can only “abound” (increase) based on a just ground, and that just ground is the merit of Christ’s blood which is His righteousness imputed to His people.

The merit of Christ insures that no sin can be imputed to God’s people for whom Christ died and arose from the dead. The merit of Christ insures that God justifies them and gives them eternal life. This fountain of blood is truly a fountain of life for all whom God brings to faith in Christ and true repentance (PSALM 36:9; REVELATION 21:6). We who are sinners saved by God’s grace are keenly and ever aware of Christ our Fountain and thank God for Him every day.

-Gospel report by preacher Bill Parker

Eager Avenue Grace church of Albany, Georgia USA
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