Christ is All!

"But of Him are ye in Christ Jesus, Who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption: that, according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord." -I CORINTHIANS 1:30-31 [KJV]

Wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. God has made Christ all these to His people. He has set Him up as their eternal Head, made Him the Bridegroom of their souls, that out of His fulness they may all receive. Then, just in proportion as they learn these two lessons—what they are, and what He is—they receive Him into their hearts actually what He is to them in the purpose of God.

Am I a fool? Do I feel it and know it? Have I had painful experience of it, so that all my creature wisdom is turned into one mass of foolishness? Do I catch by the eye of faith a view of the risen Mediator,
"Immanuel, God with us," and see what He is made of God to us? The moment my eye sees Him as "WISDOM," that moment a measure of divine wisdom flows into my conscience.

Am I polluted and defiled throughout? Have I no righteousness of my own? Is all my obedience imperfect? Am I unable to fulfil the requirements of God's holy law? If once I catch by the eye of faith this glorious truth, through
Him Who is the truth, that Jesus Christ is of God made unto me "RIGHTEOUSNESS"—the moment I see that by the eye of faith, that moment a measure of imparted righteousness flows into my heart.

Am I an unholy, depraved, filthy wretch? Does corruption work in my heart? The moment I catch by the eye of faith Jesus made unto me of God
"SANCTIFICATION," that moment a measure of sanctification comes into my heart, drawing up holy affections, casting out the love of the world, curbing my reigning lusts, and bringing my soul into submission at His footstool.

Am I a poor captive, entangled by Satan, by the world, and my own evil heart? The moment that I catch this glorious view, that Jesus Christ at the right hand of the Father is made unto me
"REDEMPTION"—if I can believe that He is made such for me, that I have a standing in Him, and a union with Him, so that He is my redemption—that moment a measure of deliverance comes into my soul, and redemption imputed becomes redemption imparted; the soul receives then internally what Christ has done externally.

In a word, when Christ is received as
"wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption," He becomes all these in vital manifestation.

-Gospel report by preacher J.C. Philpot (1802–1869 A.D.)


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