"Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which He hath purchased with His own blood." -ACTS 20:28 [KJV]

I am always amazed how just one verse of scripture is often given to us by the Holy Spirit as an invincible weapon and an impenetrable fortress in the conflict with religious error. These words spoken by the apostle Paul as he charged the Ephesians elders is such a verse. Two areas in which the truth and doctrine of Christ are most often attacked are the deity of Christ and the design of His death. That Jesus Christ the Son is God in flesh and co-equal in the Godhead is not even up for debate.
Along with all the other places in scripture where this truth is taught, this verse stands strong to support it. Paul says, "the church of GOD, which He purchased with His own blood." How does God, Who declares Himself to be Spirit, come to have blood? He did so when He was "made flesh and dwelt among us." "And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh..." (I TIMOTHY 3:16). To deny this truth is to leave us without blood that is infinitely worthy to redeem many sinners.
The second area always under assault is the design of the death of Christ. Who did Christ die for and what kind of death did He die and what did it accomplish? The death of Christ according to Paul was a purchase. That is what the word "redemption" means; to buy back by the paying of a price. The death of Christ was a purchase of blood. We also find in Paul's words who it was that Christ died this redeeming death for. He tells us that Christ died for the "church" of God. It was Christ who said, "I lay down MY LIFE for THE SHEEP."
They are guilty, bankrupt sinners if such a price of blood is required to redeem them. This verse also tells us what He accomplished in His death. It says He "purchased" the church with His own blood. He did not make a "bid" for it. He did not purchase anyone else but the church. If Christ "purchased" the church, then divine justice requires that He have it! All false doctrine cannot change that. The doctrine of Christ's deity and death are our sword and shield. All die who come against it (II JOHN 1:10)!

-Gospel report by preacher Gary Shepard

Sovereign Grace Baptist of Jacksonville, North Carolina USA

Audio Gospel Sermons and Contact Information here ---


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