Christ our Hope

And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.” -Romans 8:10 [KJV]

Believer, the death of our physical bodies is the consequence of our fall in Adam and our own personal sinfulness, but it in no way indicates the wrath of God upon us. Though we all deserve God’s wrath, we have never been under that wrath because Christ stood as our Surety and took upon Himself the wrath of God for us. In Christ, we have always been “vessels of mercy, which He [God] had afore prepared unto glory” (Romans 9:23). And if Christ took God’s wrath upon Himself for us, we have righteousness imputed to us whereby we stand right with God – “accepted in the Beloved” (Ephesians 1:6).

Furthermore, if we stand accepted with God in Christ (washed in His blood and clothed in His righteousness imputed), it is certain that in time Christ will take up permanent residence within our hearts by giving us spiritual life through the work of the Holy Spirit as He sovereignly and invincibly applies the Word of God in our new birth. Because of Christ’s righteousness imputed to us, the Holy Spirit raises us from the dead spiritually and eternally. Because of Christ’s righteousness imputed to us, He gives us new hearts and new spirits. By His death, Christ has conquered all death for His people – all whom God brings to saving faith in Christ and true repentance of sin and dead works.

-Gospel report by preacher Bill Parker
Eager Avenue Grace Church of Albany, Georgia USA
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