A Song of Praise to Christ

Awake my soul to praise the King,
Who gives us life and everything;
The Lord who down from glory came,
Sing hallelujahs to His Name.

Behold He veiled His Deity,
Joined Himself to humanity;
Though equal with the Lord above,
Christ Jesus came in gracious love.

He came to satisfy the Law,
(This precious thought fills us with awe!)
The Lord appeared to live and die,
For sinful worms like you and I.

"Twas by the sacrifice He made,
He put away our sins and paid
The price required our souls to save,
From sin and death, hell and the grave.

The Christ who died now lives on high,
Ascended far above the sky;
He lives salvation to bestow,
To sinful wretches here below.

Come fellow saints and with me sing,
Praises to Jesus Christ our King;
His Name above all names shall be,
Now and for all eternity.

Words by preacher Jim Byrd
o the tune: "Doxology"


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