Encouragement in Christ JESUS ~ 07 March, 2025 A.D.

"O visit me with Thy salvation." -Psalm 106:4 [KJV]

There is no good obtained by paying trifling visits, and receiving trifling visitors. The soul that is alive to God, will refrain from such an impertinent way of sacrificing its time. “Christ hath redeemed us from our vain conversation, (I Peter 1:18.) Our grand business is, to be looking at, glorying in, and talking of His righteousness, and His salvation all the day long. This was David’s practice. If we followed it more, we too should say with him, “My lips shall greatly rejoice, and my soul which Thou hast redeemed, (Psalm 71:23.) As our joy in Jesus increases, carnal, impertinent acquaintance will forsake us. Here is the cry of a convinced sinner, of a truly gracious heart, O visit me with Thy salvation. This is a blessed frame of soul. Lord help us to consider it, and animate us to live to Thee. Here is spiritual sight, and spiritual feeling. What is a Christian without these? Truly sunk into a state of dead formality. 

(1st.) Spiritual sight. The poor sinner sees himself totally ruined, and must be eternally miserable, for any thing he can do to save himself. Sin has destroyed him, and the law of God curses him. But he sees that Christ has perfectly fulfilled the law, suffered its curse, and eternally satisfied inexorable justice. Thus is salvation finished. In the firm belief of this he prays, Visit me, even me, a desperate sinner in myself, with the joys and comforts of Thy salvation. O Jesus, I cannot be content with hearing of salvation, with seeing it is for sinners, with believing it is everlastingly finished for them, without tasting the joys, and feeding upon the comforts of it in my own soul. 

For, (2d.) Here is spiritual feeling. Laugh on, deride as you please, ye unquickened multitude, at the bitter, sweet feelings of living souls. We feel our misery as sinners— we groan being burdened with a body of sin and death—we cry out, O wretched that we are, who shall deliver us? But blessed be God, that prayer of the Church of England, at the Visitation of the Sick, is answered upon us: “We know and feel that there is none other name under heaven, given to men, in Whom, and through Whom, we may receive health and salvation, but only the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 

This is the sweet feeling of faith. Therefore in faith we cry, Visit me, miserable me, with thy salvation, Lord Jesus. Make me to feel the peace of God, which passeth all understanding. O shed the love of God abroad in my heart. The Lord keep our souls in this believing, praying, loving, feeling frame below, till we come to full fruition above, rejoicing that we are made “wise unto salvation, (II Timothy 3:15.) 


In the firm faith of sacred truth, 

O may I e’er abide, 

Expecting God’s refreshing love, 

Tho’ foes do me deride. 

The precious visits of Thy grace, 

Grant me, dear Lord, to prove 

In this forlorn and wretched state, 

To fit me for above.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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