Encouragement in Christ JESUS ~ 05 March, 2025 A.D.
"Now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity." -I Corinthians 13:13 [KJV]
It is a pity it was not rendered love, instead of charity, all through this chapter: it certainly would have been a means of preventing much error.
Consider, (1st.) The abiding of love. It springs from faith and hope, and has no existence in the heart without them. We have no more love to God, than a beast, yea, than a devil has, till we believe His love to us, and hope in His promises made to us in Christ Jesus. We love Him. Why? Because, merely of the glories and perfections of His nature, is He the object of our supreme love? No, but rather “because He first loved us” (I John 4:19.) How has God manifested His love to us? In this: “Because that God sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him” (verse 9.) But our hearts are strangers to this love, till we believe in Jesus, and hope in His salvation. Then the effect of love is produced from its original cause, the love of God. Then we live in love and walk in love, because we live a life of faith on the love of God.
(2d.) But why is love greater than faith or hope? Because it is the greatest proof of their existence. How can you prove you believe and hope in Christ without love? This is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. Suppose you were called to be a martyr for Christ. You believe you can do all things, through Christ’s strengthening you. You hope He will strengthen you. But if you so love Him, as to suffer for Him, you prove your faith and hope.
(3d.) Love is the perfection, the rich and ripe fruit of faith and hope. Love is the very nature of God in the soul. For God is love. Love makes our souls cheerful in the service of God and one another. What is life, even the life of faith and hope, without love?
(4th.) Love will live and sing, when faith shall be lost in sight, and hope in fruition. Love includeth faith and hope. “For love believeth all things, hopeth all things, beareth all things, endureth all things: it never faileth" (verse 7, 8.) O my Lord, my Love, glory to Thee that I do believe and hope in Thee. Crown, O crown these blessed graces with more heavenly love. Love is of Thee, and from Thee.
O so shed Thy love abroad in my heart by the Holy
Ghost, that I may not only be a believing, hoping, but loving disciple
of Thine; that my soul may burn with a flame of love divine, to Thee,
and to my brethren. Then shall I assuredly live in the suburbs of glory,
above the deceits of sin, Satan, and the world, for love is of God. -I
John 4:7
Lord, hast Thou blest my soul with love?
My soul, which Thee did hate?
And shall I sing Thy praise above
When faith and hope abate?
Then make me watchful ev’ry hour,
To live and walk in love:
From sin’s deceit and Satan’s pow’r,
Lord, lift my soul above.
-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)