Encouragement in Christ JESUS ~ 03 March, 2025 A.D.

"Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ unto the glory and praise of God." -Philippians 1:11 [KJV]

He, who does not see himself stript of righteousness, his eyes were never yet opened, nor his heart convinced of sin by the Spirit of God. He, who imagines that he possesses an inherent righteousness of his own, in which he can stand before God, and answer all the demands of His holy law, deceives his own soul. He, who seeks to be made righteous, to be justified in God’s sight, and to obtain a title to heaven, in any other way than the righteousness of Christ, rejects Christ, and disbelieves the Scripture. He, who does not delight in the fruits of righteousness, and desire to abound in them, and to be filled with them, is a stranger to our righteous Saviour, and destitute of the power of our most holy faith. 

Mind, (1st.) “The fruits of righteousness.” Why do we not always speak in scripture phrases, and use words which the Holy Ghost teaches? It is much easier to understand this phrase, “the fruits of righteousness,” than that of inherent righteousness. Many people use it, but they neither know themselves, nor can they explain to others, what they mean by it. These school-terms have brought no honour to the plain, simple gospel of Christ; but have puzzled and misled simple Christians. 

Pray, mind how exceeding cautious St. Paul is in his phrase (Romans 6:16,) “Whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto”—What!—“Life?” The former antithesis seems to require it should be unto life; but St. Paul well knew what a legal, self-righteous spirit is in us, and how it works by pride; therefore, he cautiously avoids elating it. He says, of “obedience unto righteousness,” not unto life. This is the obedience of faith. Hence, spring the fruits of righteousness. 

(2d.) These are by Jesus Christ, as He is the Lord our Righteousness. All the fruits of righteousness flow from our vital union to Him, and communication from Him through faith. 

(3d.) The end of them. They are not to satisfy God’s justice, obtain His mercy, or procure His favour; nor to fulfil His law, in order to get life thereby. If we think so, we shall be puffed up in our minds, reject our Saviour’s righteousness, do despite to the Spirit of His grace, Who glorifies Him; and, turning the eye of faith from Him, trust in our own good fruits. But they are unto “the glory and praise of God.” To the glory of God, Who has justified us freely, and will give us the kingdom, of His own good pleasure. 

O, Christian! here is the heavenly spring of all holy zeal, fervent obedience, and abounding in all fruits of righteousness. Pray, study, and strive, that you may excel, abound in them, and be filled with them. “For, says our Lord, “herein is My Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit.” -John 15:18


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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