Christ JESUS is The Savior in the Time of Trouble
LORD, be gracious unto us; we have waited for Thee: be Thou their arm
every morning, our salvation also in the time of trouble." -Isaiah 33:2 [KJV]
has often to pass through times of sorrow and trouble. Deep temporal
and deep spiritual trouble is the allotted portion of many, if not of
most of the people of God. But having found that the Lord is a Saviour,
and the only Saviour Who can support in trouble and deliver out of
trouble, there is this conviction deeply implanted and firmly written
upon their heart, that He is a Saviour in the time of trouble.
It is the purpose of God to hunt us out of all lying refuges, that we may believe in Jesus to the saving of our soul; that we may prove that He is able to save to the uttermost all who come unto God by Him; that we may learn what salvation is, and that we may know it for ourselves as a divine and blessed reality.
Thus though He is always a Saviour, yet He is not experimentally a Saviour in times of worldly ease, carnal prosperity, and seasons of carelessness. But in times of trouble, when none can do us any good or stretch forth a healing hand but the Lord alone, then to come to His gracious Majesty and find there and then how He can and does save in trouble and out of trouble, this is that which endears such a Saviour to believing hearts.
And observe the expression, "time of trouble," and how it includes not only every trouble which may befall us temporally or spiritually, but clearly intimates that there is not a single season or time when trouble comes that the Lord is not able and willing to save us out of it. How well this corresponds with those gracious words and that sweet promise,
"Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me." -Psalm 50:15
-preacher J.C. Philpot (1802–1869 A.D.)