Heal us, O LORD JESUS!
"A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves..." -Luke 10:30 [KJV]
An awful down-hill journey! Here is a true picture of the woeful backsliding of a believer from his Lord.
(1st.) “He went down from Jerusalem,” which signifies the visions of peace. These are enjoyed by faith, in communion with Christ, and close walking with God. When these are departed from, it is going down, indeed! The way of sin is down hill; the descent is easy; the event, dreadful! It is going down from the delectable mountains, into the dreary vale of Jericho. This place was cursed by Joshua, (6:26.) It was very wicked in the days of Christ; so is this present world now.
(2d.) “He fell among thieves;” so the believer, when he gives up himself to sinful company, vain delights and carnal diversions. The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life, steal his heart from God, and strip him of his raiment of purity and peace.
(3d.) “They wounded him.” O, the dreadful stabs which sin and apostacy give to the believer’s heart and conscience!
(4th.) “Departed from him.” Having robbed the believer of his comfort in God, now the sense of carnal joys also forsake him. He cannot find those mighty pleasures in sin, which it promised him.
(5th.) “Leaving him half dead.” Not totally dead to God, nor wholly alive to sin. He can be happy in neither. Awful state! But there is still a spark of spiritual life in the soul. This, all the devils in hell, nor all the men on earth, can never quench. But now, what misery he feels! what wounds, pains, and griefs he groans under! what loss does he deplore!
(6th.) “The priest and the Levite pass by on the other side.” The law can neither ease nor cure him: it curses, condemns, and leaves him. But, lastly, Who is He that says, “I will heal their backslidings, and love them freely?” (Hosea 14:4.) O! it is the good Samaritan; the precious, everloving Friend of sinners! He came where he was: He saw him, and had compassion on him: He bound up his wounds, poured in the oil of His precious grace, and the wine of His heavenly love; “and took care of him.”
O, my soul! dread the danger of such a journey. Highly esteem the visions of peace. Remember Jericho. Forget not the snares of this wicked world. Beware of thieves. Never, never forget the compassion of the good Samaritan: bless Him for His sympathising heart: He is “touched with a feeling of our infirmities.” -Hebrews 4:13
Sin’s promised joys are turn’d to pain,
And I am drown’d in grief;
But my dear Lord returns again—
He flies to my relief.
Wretch that I am, to wander thus
In chase of false delight
Let me be fasten’d to Thy cross
And never lose Thy sight.
-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)