God Justifies, For Christ Died
shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect? It is God that
justifieth. Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died; yea,
rather, that is risen again; Who is even at the right hand of God, Who
also maketh intercession for us." -Romans 8:33, 34 [KJV]
See, my soul, what a blessed security thou hast. Here is God justifying; Christ dying; the Holy Ghost raising the sinner's surety from the grave, as an evidence that the debt of sin is cancelled; and Jesus ever living to see the travail of His soul, and be satisfied in the redemption of His people. What, then, shall rob thee of thy comfort, while thou art triumphing in thy Jesus? Sin shall not; for Jesus hath put it away by the sacrifice of Himself. The law cannot; for thy Jesus hath answered all its just demands. Divine justice cannot; for God Himself justifieth. Death and hell cannot; for Jesus hath conquered both.
In short, all that stood in thy way, the Son of God hath removed. And wilt thou not, my soul, triumph in the great salvation of thy Jesus? Surely the poor debtor may walk as boldly before the prison door, as the king in his palace, when his debts are paid. No bailiff can touch him; no mittimus (-in law, a precept or command) again confine him. "If the Son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed." Triumph then, my soul, in the liberty wherewith thy Jesus hath made thee free; only be sure that all thy triumphs are in Him.
Let Him have all the glory, Who hath wrought the whole redemption. Make thy Jesus all; for He hath done all for thee; and then sweetly repose thyself upon the person and work of thy Beloved, Let the adversary accuse, or opposition arise from without or within, yet, saith an apostle, here is the answer:— God justifieth; for Christ died. Oh, how precious it is, after all the storms, and boisterous tossings, of law and conscience, to enter into that harbour, which is, Jesus. "We which have believed," saith the apostle, "do enter into rest." He is indeed the rest, wherewith He causeth the weary to rest; and He is the refreshing.
-preacher Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)