"And they shall call His name Emanuel, which being interpreted, is God with us." -Matthew 1:23 [KJV]

My soul, hast thou never remarked what a peculiar beauty and sweetness there is in every name by which thy God and Saviour is made known to thee in His holy word? Surely, if nothing more had been intended by it, than to identify and prove His sacred person, one name would have answered this purpose: evidently, therefore, somewhat of great importance is designed from His many names. And depend upon it, my soul, so much loveliness is there in every individual name of thy Jesus; and at one time or other, in thy walk of faith, so very much wilt thou need every one, and find the preciousnes of every one, that thou wouldest not part with one of thy Redeemer's names—no, not for the world.

This of Emanuel, by which thou art commanded to call Him, is a sweet one to endear Him to thee. Had He not been Emanuel, He could not have been Jesus, for none but God can save a sinner: and therefore He is called Emanuel, which signifies, "God with us." Hence, therefore, He is God. Put this down as a glorious truth in thy esteem. God in our nature: God tabernacling in our flesh. God in us; and God in our hearts, the hope of glory. It is the Godhead of thy Jesus which gives efficacy and value to every act of redemption. As God, His righteousness is the righteousness of God to justify thee.

Mark that! His sacrifice to atone—His blood to cleanse— His grace to bless. All these blessed acts of thy Jesus derive efficacy to answer all their glorious purposes, because they are the acts of God. And remark, my soul, yet further, that all that yet remains to be fulfilled, in what He hath in now pleading thy promised concerning salvation, in now pleading thy cause, and hereafter taking thee to glory; these cannot fail—because He Who hath promised is Emanuel.

Go on, my soul, one step further, and remember that He, Whom thou art to call Emanuel, is also God in thy nature. Hence He is so very near and dear, in all tender alliances, as to be bone of thy bone, and flesh of thy flesh.  My soul, never, never lose sight of this most sweet and precious name of thy Jesus. Call Him as thou art commanded, call His name Emanuel.


-preacher Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)


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