Adorning The Doctrine

"Adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in ALL THINGS." -Titus 2:10 [KJV]

What pains and expense are we at to adorn our bodies, which must shortly turn to ignoble dust: and our dwellings, which must soon be burnt up with fire? And shall we not study, and take pains to adorn the precious doctrine of our loving God and Saviour in our lives? Let gay clothing and genteel furniture reprove us for, and remind us of this duty. Let us not be like asses with long ears to hear doctrines, but slow of feet to walk in the ways of holiness. To avoid legality, let us not run into licentiousness. This awfully prevails amongst professors in our day. They incessantly dwell on doctrines. But if you aim to reduce them into experience and practice, they cry out, O, you are as legal as an Arminian. 

This is really like one who should receive food into his mouth, chew it for a season, and then spit it out again: but as it passed not into the stomach to be digested, the body is not nourished by it. So revolving doctrines in the head, rolling them upon the tongue, and not digesting them in the heart, leaves the soul in a lean, starving condition from day to day. What is truth in the head, without fellowship with Christ, Who is the Truth, in the heart? 

Christ felt and enjoyed in the power of faith, and the fellowship of the Spirit, will cause souls to study to adorn His doctrine. There will be a cry in such hearts, O what can I do for Him, Who has done all for me, and is all in all to me? It is the essential doctrine of Christ, that every believer in Him is a Son of God, and an heir of glory. We are called to enjoy the comfort of this, and to walk agreeable to this holy faith, in all things. The duty is ours. The power is of God. But if the love of the world reign in our hearts, if the riches of the world engross our time, if the pleasures of the world possess our affections, if the vanities of the world are our pursuits, how does it appear, that we are the children of God, are concerned for His glory, that we strive to adorn His gospel, or are looking to Him for the power to do it? 

No wonder if the frame of our hearts, the temper of our minds, and the conduct of our lives, instead of adorning the doctrine of Christ, bring discredit upon it. Then we shall live in doubt, and die in distress. O remember this word of the Lord, “Them that honour Me, I will honour, and they that despise Me shall be lightly esteemed.” -I Samuel 2:30


Lord, make our lips and lives express 

The holy gospel we profess; 

So let our works and graces shine, 

To prove Thy doctrine all divine,

Thus shall we best proclaim abroad, 

The honours of our Saviour God; 

When Thy salvation reigns within, 

And grace subdues the pow’r of sin.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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