Waiting Upon our Almighty GOD

"The eyes of all wait upon Thee; and Thou givest them their meat in due season." -Psalm 145:15 [KJV]

The Lord will bring all His children sooner or later, each in their measure, to "wait upon Him." Whatever trouble they are in, "the eyes of all wait upon Thee;" whatever temptations they have to pass through, "the eyes of all wait upon Thee;" whatever difficulty in temporal things, whatever conflict in spiritual things, whatever strait in providence, whatever exercise in grace be their lot, the Lord will bring all His children at one time or another into this experience, "the eyes of all wait upon Thee." 

"Wait upon Thee" for deliverance; "wait upon Thee" for a manifestation; "wait upon Thee" for the lifting up the light of Thy countenance; "wait upon Thee" for one soft word spoken by Thy mouth to the soul; "wait upon Thee" for one smile of Thine approving countenance; "wait upon Thee" for one testimony of Thine everlasting favour. And he that knows not what it is to "wait upon God" in this manner, wait upon Him by night and by day as the Lord works it in him, wait upon Him on his bed, wait upon Him behind his counter, wait upon Him in the solitary fields, wait upon Him in the crowded streets—he lacks that evidence, he wants that divine feature, which the Holy Ghost has stamped here upon all the living family.

"And Thou givest them their meat in due season." There is "meat," then, that they are waiting upon God for, to receive at His hands. And it is called "their meat." It belongs to them. All the elect of God have provision laid up for them in Christ; for "it hath pleased the Father, that in Him should all fulness dwell." "I will abundantly bless her provision" (Psalm 132:15). Though none of God’s quickened family ever dare to claim the blessing at God’s hands, yet the Lord has so stored up blessings in Christ, that they are actually and eternally theirs; for, as the apostle says, "all things are yours." 

It is "their meat" then; that is, the meat peculiar to the elect. Blood shed for their sins, and for their sins only; righteousness brought in for them, and for them only; love bestowed upon them, and upon them only; promises revealed for their comfort, and for their comfort only; an eternal inheritance, "incorruptible and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for them," and for them only. 

It is "their meat," because it is theirs in Christ, being lodged in Christ for their benefit. But it is theirs in another sense; and that is, they are the only people who hunger after it, who have an appetite for it, who have a mouth to feed upon it, who have a stomach to digest it. They are the only people whose eyes are really open to see what "meat" is. Others feed upon shadows; they know nothing of the savoury food of the gospel

As the Lord said to His disciples, "I have meat to eat which ye know not of." His meat was the hidden communications of God’s love, the visitations of His Father’s presence, the divine communion that He enjoyed with His Father while the disciples were gone away, to do the will of Him that sent Him, and to finish His work. 

So, for the children of God, there is meat in Christ; and this meat the Lord gives them a hunger after. He not only sets before their eyes what the meat is, but He kindles inexpressible longings in their soul to be fed therewith. God’s people cannot feed upon husks, nor upon ashes, nor upon chaff, nor upon the east wind, nor upon grapes of gall and the bitter clusters of Gomorrah (Deuteronomy 32:32). They must have "meat," "savoury meat such as their soul loveth," that which God Himself communicates, and which His hand alone can bring down, and give unto them, so that they may receive it from Him as their soul-satisfying portion.


-preacher J.C. Philpot (1802-1869 A.D.)


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