The Perfect Sanctification of God's saints in CHRIST JESUS

"Sanctify them through Thy truth, Thy word is truth." —John 17:17 [KJV]

Thus prayed our great High Priest on earth. What He asked in His humiliation, is founded upon the word and will of His Father; and He hath power to effect in His exaltation. Hence we have the fullest assurance of the perfect sanctification of all His members. Hence the desires and breathings of souls after holiness are encouraged; and the prayers of the faithful gather the strongest confidence of success.

While our Beloved expresses His affectionate concern for His people's salvation, we see an equal regard for the honor and glory of His Father's word. Love for holiness, and love of the truth are inseparable. As the gospel prevails in the heart, holiness is increased. It is first life, then liveliness in the soul: it is the ministration of the Spirit in the sanctification of the spirit. Whatever working we find of the Spirit in the heart, it is by the word of truth. 

The life of believers is from Christ, Who is the TRUTH; therefore increasing light, refreshing comforts, stronger affections shall abound, and all by that same law of grace and truth, whereby the soul was at first converted to the faith of Jesus. "The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul, making wise the simple, rejoicing the heart, enlightening the eyes."—Psalm 19:7, 8

There is a peculiar glory in the order of salvation, "God hath chosen us from the beginning (before the foundation of the world) to salvation." But how is this made manifest? only "through sanctification of the Spirit, and belief of the truth." —II Thessalonians 2:13 Thus faith and holiness flow from electing love. So every word of God's truth is prized; and the fulfilment of every promise is expected. We love the truth, because it discovers God's most ancient love to us in Christ: it reveals Christ's righteousness to us for our justification; revives our hearts with the knowledge of pardon by His blood, and the certainty of full sanctification and perfect glory through His intercession. 

So Jesus prayed—so we believe—so poor sinners are saved. Saved, unspeakable mercy! saved from the power of sin and the prevalence of pride. Happy the heart where the love of holiness prevails agreeable to the word of truth. Dreadful delusion! when the truth is held in unrighteousness; or zeal for holiness is contended for, while the truths of electing love, Christ's righteousness, His members certain salvation are opposed and denied. Glory to the Father for His everlasting love. 

Glory to Jesus for His justifying righteousness and atoning blood. Glory to the Spirit; for His sanctifying influences will ever be ascribed to them by truly sanctified hearts. "What God hath joined together, let no man put asunder."—Matthew 19:6


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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