Behold, The GOSPEL TRUMPET Sounds

"Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound; they shall walk, O LORD in the light of Thy countenance." —Psalm 89:15 [KJV]

The psalmist alludes to the jubilee-trumpet, which was sounded throughout the land on the great day of atonement. This was an ordinance of the Lord.—Leviticus 25:10. It was a joyful sound of liberty to God's people. A true type, and just emblem this, of the blowing the great trumpet, and the sound of the everlasting gospel restoring life, liberty, and salvation, to perishing captive souls. Has the gospel thus proved the power of God to the salvation of our souls? Surely then, we must esteem it, as the most joyful sound that ever saluted our ears! Joyful, that it is not clogged with any terms and conditions: Joyful, that it is not, as some call it, a milder law, proposing mercy on easier performances than the legal yoke. No; such notions are subversive of the very nature of the gospel; they only humor self-confidence, and elate the pride of sinners.

We are all naturally deceived by such human, anti-evangelical systems; hence we grow vain in our imaginations, and our foolish hearts are darkened to the freeness and glory of the Gospel. But when the Sun of Righteousness arises upon the heart, these mists of ignorance and error are scattered. Then we truly know the Gospel to be nothing but good news, glad tidings, a joyful sound indeed: the free declaration of what the infinitely blessed and eternally glorious Trinity have planned, and what the adorable God-man hath effected, for the salvation of the lost and guilty. 

It is one joyful, consistent, harmonious sound of free grace, undeserved love, and unmerited mercy; free from any jarring discords of wrath and terror; It proclaims not pardon to-day, and condemnation tomorrow to believers: now peace with God, anon war against us: now happiness in the heaven of His love, by and by a hell of misery from His anger and hatred; once justified by His grace, and after all left to perish to eternity in our sins; God's blessed people reject such debasing notions, knowing they are contrary to the truth, and destructive of the joy of the Gospel, damp their love, deaden their affections to a God of love, cool their zeal for His glory and service, and stop their progress in true holiness. 

But by the love of the truth, they solace themselves with THE JOYFUL SOUND, are enabled to walk in the light of God's countenance, in the comforts of His love, and in the joys of Jesus' salvation. Such are blessed now in the knowledge of God's truth; they shall be blessed in the enjoyment of God's eternal glory. —John 10:18


O blessed day! O happy hour! 

That bought this joyful sound, 

Of pard'ning love thro' Christ's rich grace, 

To heal my mortal wound.

O Spirit divine! 

Thine was the pow'r, 

Which gave the hearing ear! 

My heart, with love, in praises join, 

To Thee, my Lord, most dear.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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