"Nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine." -I Timothy 4:6 [KJV]

Many a soul is saying, Alas! I hear and hear again, and do not see that I am profited. I obtain little or no comfort from what I hear. 

Consider, (1st.) what you hear. Is it the words of faith, and of good doctrine? There is more danger in words than we are aware of. Words convey corrupt ideas to the mind, and nourish vain hopes and false confidences in the heart. They subvert the promises, and pervert the soul. Many words of this sort have obtained amongst us. Such as the merit of works—perhaps you start at that. You would not hear preachers who use the phrase. But these amount to just the same thing, the terms of the gospel—the conditions of salvation. These are not the words of faith, nor of good doctrine; not the words which the Holy Ghost teaches. They are the words of man’s proud wisdom. 

They were hatched in the church of Rome, and are contended for by the greatest enemies of our Lord’s divinity, His atonement for sin, and justifying righteousness. One of this stamp in our day, says, “he longs to pull down that idol, Christ, from His throne.” It is well if he does not plunge into hell in the attempt. The notion of terms and conditions of salvation swells sinners with pride, nourishes them up in self-complacency and self-righteousness: they tend to obscure the glory of the finished work of Christ, the freeness of gospel grace, and the need of the agency of the Holy Spirit. 

Therefore, (2d.) avoid such preachers who contend for these phrases. Seek and attend those, who follow the example of an old, a very old preacher. He had true wisdom. Therefore he says, “The preacher sought to find out acceptable words, written words, and that which was upright, even words of truth” (Ecclesiastes 12:10.) 

(3d.) Consider, what it is to be nourished up in faith and good works. It is to have a sound judgment of the truth, a peaceful conscience through the truth, warm affections to the truth, the heart in love with the truth, and the hope of salvation and glory founded solely on the truth. What is truth? Jesus says, I am the truth (John 14:6.) The truths of the gospel nourish the soul, and cause it to “grow up into Christ in all things, who is the head” (Ephesians 4:15.) Prize the words of faith. Diligently attend good doctrine. But evermore remember, all nourishment of souls comes from Christ the Head. To Him look: upon Him live: study to please Him in all things. “Of His fulness have we all received.” -John 1:16


Christ’s words are full of truth and grace, 

And nourish up the soul 

In love, and peace, and holiness, 

And all our lusts control. 

Speak, Lord, unto my heart with pow’r, 

Make me grow up in Thee: 

O may I feed on Thee each hour, 

‘Till I Thy glory see.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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