The Wednesday Word ~ 11 December, 2024 A.D.

Who Exactly is the First and the Last? 

 Part II

by D. G. Miles McKee


Last time we observed that Spurgeon said, “Depend upon it, my hearer, you never will go to heaven unless you are prepared to worship Jesus Christ as God.” That´s a powerful truth.  Jesus is the Alpha and Omega the first and last of salvation.  For salvation, there is nothing required outside of Jesus.

Not only does the word Alpha stand for the first letter in the Greek Alphabet, but Spurgeon tells us that the word Alpha was also frequently used to signify that which was the best.  It was used much the same way as we today use the term ‘Grade A.’  Give Jesus any title you like and He’s the alpha, He`s the best. He´s grade A. Christ Jesus is the Alpha Prophet, the Alpha priest, and the Alpha King!

He´s the Alpha Prophet.

Compared to Christ, all other prophets pale by comparison. No man ever spoke like Him or ever will again (John 7:46).

He´s the Alpha Priest.

He is the great High Priest of our profession, the priest who became His own offering (Hebrews 9:14). There has never been a priest like Him and never will be. 

He is the Alpha King.

  He is also the greatest King for His Kingdom is to all generations. Caesar is no longer reigning, Alexander has lost his power to conqueror, but King Jesus continues to reign and subdue His enemies unto Himself!  He is simply the best King, the Alpha King who reigns with all power and wisdom.

He is the Omega Prophet.

Christ Jesus is the Omega prophet. That means He is the final word that God will speak to us about Himself.

Jesus has delivered the full and final revelation of God (Hebrews 1:1-3). There is, therefore, no other name given under Heaven whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). There are no new ways to God, no new prophets with new revelations and no new words from Heaven to save us.  That’s why we don’t have to follow Joseph Smith, Mohammed or any of these so-called bearers of new revelations about God.  God, in Christ, has said all He’s going to say.  He’s the Omega prophet!

The Omega Priest.

 Furthermore, Christ Jesus, the Omega priest, was the final sacrifice for sin (Hebrews 10:10-13). All sacrificing priests have been made redundant by the once-for-all sacrifice of the Lord Jesus by which He gave Himself for our sins!  I never cease to be shocked by the priests of Rome who in their daily Mass offer up "Christ" over and over as a supposed sacrifice for sins. What an amazing attack they perform against the Gospel.

The Omega King.

No one will succeed Him since He reigns for ever and ever! (Ephesians 1:20-21). No one voted Him into power, and no one will vote Him out.

Did you know that the American colonialists wanted to make George Washington a king? But he refused. Why? Because Washington and many of the colonists believed that there was only one king, and it was not King George III.  Michael Deutsch tells us,

  “On April 22, 1774, before the Revolutionary War, a report was sent to King George III of England, and in it the governor of Boston exclaimed, "If you ask an American who is his master, he will tell you, he has none, nor any governor but Jesus Christ."

In April 1775, when a British major called the colonialists villains and told them to, "lay down your arms, in the name of George, the sovereign king of England," the immediate response was "We recognize no Sovereign but God and no King but Jesus."

Yes indeed, there is no everlasting and sovereign King but Jesus.  He is the Alpha King. And He shall reign forever and ever. Hallelujah!

And that`s the Gospel Truth!


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