The Glory of the LORD JESUS, Full of Grace & Truth to poor sinners

"And the LORD spoke unto Moses, face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend." -Exodus 33:11 [KJV]

In the opinion of infidels, Moses is as vile a hypocrite, and as great an enthusiast as ever existed. You see your calling, brethren. What shall be done unto the men, whom the King of saints delighteth to honour? Treat them as the filth and offscouring of all things, say the world. Thank you, ye sons of folly. You give us an evident token of our salvation, and that of God (Philippians 1:28.) 

If Moses is not to be credited, Christ is to be rejected. He puts His cause upon the testimony of Moses. “Had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed Me, for he wrote of Me” (John 5:46.) He was a friend of the Bridegroom. He was admitted to close and intimate converse with Him, before He appeared in flesh. Our Saviour saith to all His disciples, “ye are My friends, (John 15:14.) He admits them into sweet fellowship, and free communion with Himself. A precious minister of Christ, late on earth, now in glory, says in his diary, “I walked in the fields, and conversed much with our Saviour, about the wickedness of my heart,” etc. 

St. Paul says, “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty: freedom from the vail of nature’s blindness and ignorance. Liberty, to draw nigh to God, and to pour out our hearts before Him. For, we as all true believers in Christ, “behold as in a glass,” the clear glass of the gospel, “the glory of the Lord, in the face of Jesus Christ, full of grace and truth to poor sinners. That is God’s greatest glory. That is our highest mercy. This unspeakable privilege, believers in common are admitted to. This constitutes our heaven below. 

It creates heaven in the soul. It brings God and the soul near: yea, face to face. God’s face is towards us in Christ. Our face is towards Him by the faith of Christ. His countenance smiles upon us. That makes us of a joyful heart. “My sheep hear My voice, says Christ, (John 10:27.) Yes, saith the soul, “it is the voice of my Beloved” (Song of Solomon 5:2.) See then your calling, O believer, and thou, my soul. Live not below your exalted privilege. Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you. Speak humbly to God, of your sin, misery, and wretchedness. He will speak graciously to you, of His love and salvation in His Son. 

“I said not unto the seed of Jacob, Seek ye Me in vain: I the LORD speak righteousness”“Am mighty to save” (Isaiah 45:19 & 63:1.) O the blessedness of thus beholding the face of the Lord! We are changed into the same image, by the Lord the Spirit. For God hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God, in the face of Jesus Christ. -II Corinthians 4:6


“Shine, mighty God, with vigour shine, 

On this benighted heart of mine; 

And let Thy glories stand reveal’d, 

As in the Saviour’s face beheld.”


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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