The Mystery of Eternity Revealed

"Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of GOD." -Mark 4:11 [KJV]

When the Son of God came from heaven to earth, then was the mystery of eternity revealed and the kingdom of God made manifest to the sons of men. What, to all of them? No: many, when Christ was on earth, and ever since, have neither eyes to see, ears to hear, nor hearts to understand the mystery of the kingdom of God. The god of this world blinds their eyes, stops their ears, and shuts their hearts against spiritual mysteries. And they are honest enough to proclaim it with their tongues, saying, Where mysteries begin, there religion ends. Lord, why am not I left in natural blindness, ignorance, and stupidity of soul! O why me, Lord, and not others! 

(1st.) The mystery of the kingdom of God is that revealed truth, whereby the Trinity, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, will get everlasting honour and glory to all the attributes and perfections of the Godhead, through the incarnate Jesus: in the salvation of miserable sinners, in setting up the kingdom of God in their hearts, upon the ruin of sin, and by the destruction of Satan. “This is the mystery of godliness, God manifest in the flesh, (I Timothy 3:16.) This mystery, “angels desire to look into, (I Peter 1:12.) O my soul, O my fellow-sinners, we are much more concerned in it than they. Let us pry into it daily, with the greatest earnestness and the deepest attention. 

(2d.) What is it to know this mystery? It is spiritually, savingly and experimentally to see it—understand the grace and mercy of it—to believe its suitableness to us—our want of it—the hope, peace, and joy, which are brought to our souls by it—so as heartily to approve of God’s bringing an atonement for our sins, righteousness for our justification, and salvation to our souls, by His Beloved Son, the MAN Christ Jesus. 

(3d.) How do we know this? By the revelation of the Word, and the inspiration of the Spirit. It is given us to know it. The Spirit opens our eyes to see it, and our hearts to understand and believe it, as revealed in His word. 

(4th.) Who? Even ALL whom the Lord shall call. In the days of His flesh, Jesus called unto Him whom He would, (Mark 3:13.) So in the days of the Spirit’s power, He enlightens whom He will to know the mystery of the kingdom of God. 

(5th.) We know the sweet “fellowship of this mystery,” (Ephesians 3:9.) Our hearts are in love with the doctrines of grace, and our affections swayed by them, for we understand them, and our judgments approve of them. Thus we have joyful fellowship with the Father and His Son Jesus Christ in the truth, through the grace of the Spirit. The more we know of this mystery, the more comfort. Study the love of Christ, that ye may be filled with all the fulness of God. -Ephesians 3:19


“Just like His nature is His grace, 

All sovereign and all free: 

Great God, how searchless are Thy ways!  

How deep Thy judgments be!”


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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