The Mighty God

"A stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence." -I Peter 2:8 [KJV]

O my Lord! how wonderful is it, that Thy coming should have given such offence to Thy people? The prophet, indeed, said it should be so, and thereby gave one among the many testimonies to Thy character. "He," saith the prophet (Isaiah 8:14) "that shall be for a sanctuary, shall be but for a stone of stumbling, and for a rock of offence to both the houses of Israel." But what was there, my Lord, in Thee, and the gracious purpose for which Thou came, that could have furnished occasion for stumbling? Thy birth, indeed, was humble, thy life marked with sorrow, thy death ignominious, and every thing about Thee debased. 

But under all these things, did not the Godhead burst forth in acts which none but God could perform? And is the offence of the cross ceased in the present hour? Alas! what multitudes of sinners now, as much as then, still live to despise salvation by Thy blood and righteousness? Precious Jesus! who made me to differ from another? Why was I constrained to look unto Thee as the Rock of Ages, the precious stone that Jehovah hath laid in Zion for salvation, while thousands refuse that Thou shouldest reign over them? Oh! for grace to praise Thee, and to love Thee! Now, Lord, do I discover a preciousness in that divine scripture, and thank Thee for it as my own; "Blessed is he (Thou hast said) whosoever is not offended in Thee!"


-preacher Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)


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