"My beloved is mine." -Song of Solomon 2:16 [KJV]

Here is a knowledge worth more than heaven and earth. For heaven and earth shall pass away, but this knowledge endureth for ever. O happy souls who are favoured with it, give fresh glory to your Beloved to-night. Ye who are seeking it, rejoice. For He hath said, “every one who seeketh findeth” (Matthew 7:8.) Happy Job was favoured with it, when he was in heaviness through manifold temptations—broken in the place of dragons, and covered with the shadow of death. 

Then he must have utterly fainted, had he not believed. Time was, when Job could say, my health, my wealth, my honours, my children, my comforts, but a period came when all these were taken from him. He had nothing within nor without to stay his soul upon, but the word of the Lord, and the Lord revealed in the word. 

This was his support and his glory. Though I have lost all things, I have my Redeemer still. He lives. I know it. While He lives, I cannot die. As He has redeemed me, I cannot perish. While I know it, I cannot despair. I will rejoice in Him, though I am stript of all things besides Him. O how does the whole world lie fast asleep, in the arms of the wicked one, without the least thought of, or desire after the knowledge of this precious Redeemer! But how many poor sinners are saying, O that I knew this dear Redeemer was mine. O that I could say, “I know my Redeemer liveth.” 

Nothing in all the world could give me such comfort as this. Bless the dear Spirit, for He hath given you peculiar knowledge of Christ, and special approbation of Him. It is a special grace, to see your misery as a sinner, and your want of a Redeemer, and to make Christ the choice of your soul. You know, you believe the Redeemer liveth. Why, all this is in consequence of His love to you. He chose you. He died for you. He lives to pray for you. Therefore He has blessed you, by sending His Spirit to you. 

Why then should unbelief so prevail in you, as to keep you from honouring Him, by claiming Him as your Beloved, and rejoicing in Him as your friend? O the unspeakable mercy to have such a Redeemer! We have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins: perfect peace with God, and a sure title to glory. Blessed be God for Jesus Christ. O study the work, the perfectly finished, and everlasting glorious work of Christ’s redemption. 

Believe His precious word of invitation, Come unto Me. His precious promise is, I will give you rest. What could Christ have done more than He hath to manifest His love to sinners? Why then should you or I, or any poor sinner be kept from claiming Him by faith, saying, This is my Beloved and my friend? -Song of Solomon 5:16


“Your harps, ye trembling saints, 

Down from the willows take; 

Lord, to the praise of love divine 

Bid every string awake."


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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