Put On the LORD JESUS Christ

"Lo, this is the man that made not GOD his strength." -Psalm 52:7 [KJV]

The following fact I had from my late beloved friend, and faithful minister of Christ, the Mr. Jones. A poor infidel deist had conceived a strange notion, that men need not die unless they would. Upon his deathbed, he affected to be resolute, and bid God defiance. In his last moments, he sprang up, gnashed with his teeth, and with looks of horror cried out, “God! I will not die!” With these words he expired. O the fearful death of the ungodly, who make not God their strength! 

They have hope in their death. For they make God their strength in their life. What can a vile sinner do to make God his friend? Where is the impotent sinner, who can make God his strength? What meaneth this? Why, God is that to every poor sinner, which the word reveals Him, and faith takes Him to be. Consider this. You say, I am a weak needy creature. What saith the Lord? “Let him take hold of My strength, (Isaiah 27:5.) “Thou hast been a strength to the poor; a strength to the needy in his distress, (chap. 25:4.) 

Again, in that sweet 52d. chapter, the title of which runs thus: Christ persuadeth the church to believe His free redemption— The Lord calls upon poor and needy sinners, “Awake, awake! put on thy strength, (verse 1.) Now hence, for the encouragement of our hearts, and to the joy of our souls, we see that the Lord is the strength of that soul, who believes in Him, chooses Him, takes and receives Him as such. Faith is the hand that takes hold of God’s strength: faith claims God, as the strength of the poor and needy. And because our hearts are apt to grow heavy and sleepy, neglect and forget Him, Who is our strength and our portion; lo! He crieth to us with a mighty voice, “Awake, awake!” Lift up your eyes: look unto Me, who, “when ye were without strength, in due time died for the ungodly, (Romans 5:6.) 

Put on thy strength. Thou hast no inherent strength. Know, thy strength is perfect weakness. Put on the Lord Jesus Christ. He is “the Lord Jehovah, in whom is everlasting strength, (Isaiah 26:4.) Learn daily that blessed art, to say with St. Paul, “When I am weak, then am I strong, (II Corinthians 12:10.) The Lord commands you, “Let the weak say, I am strong, (Joel 3:10.) “Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might.” -Ephesians 6:10


Our Saviour living here on earth, 

In flesh like to our own: 

To faith and joy and peace gives birth, 

And brought salvation down. 

Hold fast this truth in faith, my soul, 

Thro’ all thy trials here; 

This will thy hurtful lusts control, 

And banish all thy fear.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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