"The times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord..." -Acts 3:19 [KJV]

Who shall these times come to? Every sinner that repents and turns to Christ for salvation. From whence shall they come? From the presence of the Lord. Here then it is manifest, whether you have repented and turned to the Lord. 

If so, (1st.) your soul will delight in God’s presence. 

(2d.) You will earnestly long for and highly prize these refreshing seasons. 

(3d.) You will say with David, “Thou art my God; my times are in Thy hands. I will bless the LORD at all times: His praise shall be continually in my mouth” (Psalm 31:14, 15.—34:1.) 

Hence, (4th.) you will turn from your sins, your self-righteous hopes, carnal pleasures, and worldly vanities, to seek all your happiness in the enjoyment of the presence of the Lord. 

And, (5th.) you will wait in the patience of faith, for the coming of refreshing seasons, believing they shall come. Is it now a night of gloom and sadness? Are we tried and afflicted, bowed down and dejected? Is the sun of comfort set? Does the moon withhold its shining, and the stars their light? Yet times of refreshing shall come. Believe this: hang on this word: bless the Lord for it. 

That dear Comforter, Who brought us to Christ, will refresh our souls with a sense of the love of Christ, the peace of God, and the joys of the heavenly world. He will refresh us with His witness to our hearts, that we are the children of God, and heirs of glory. He does keep up in our minds a constant sense of his precious truth, that Christ is both an able and a willing Saviour to us; that He calls our weary labouring souls to Him, and promises to ease and refresh us. This is refreshing to our hearts. Is sin our burden? Do we want rest? Are our souls troubled for want of peace? Are our spirits distressed for want of refreshment? 

Christ says, Come unto Me. But the most precious times of refreshment shall soon come. Yet a little while, and we shall behold and be in the eternal enjoyment of the presence of the Lord. O, a lively view of this by faith is most refreshing indeed! Then, we long to be absent from the body and present with the Lord: we are sick of the world, sick of ourselves; we triumph over sin and Satan, smile at death, and welcome its approach. “And now, Lord, what wait I for? My hope is in Thee” (Psalm 39:7.) Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearance of the great God, even our Saviour Jesus Christ, Who gave Himself for us. -Titus 2:13


Tho’ sin and sorrow bow me down, 

And my dear Lord delays; 

He will refresh my spirit soon, 

With tokens of His grace. 

Therefore, I’ll wait, and look, and pray, 

And not from Him depart: 

His presence makes a happy day, 

And fills with joy my heart.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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