Look to a Covenant God in Christ

"What profit is it, that we have kept His ordinance, and that we have walked mournfully before the LORD of Hosts?" -Malachi 3:14 [KJV]

These words were spoken to the carnal Jews. They may be applied to us. For the filthy leaven of the proud Pharisee, works in all our natures. At least, I know one who finds it does. What does it produce? Hard thoughts of God, and stout words against Him. We are apt to censure His good conduct towards others, and think He deals rather hardly with us. 

(1st.) “We call the proud happy.” In a dark, tried, tempted, deserted hour, when we see the poor, proud sons of pride and folly, ranting and reveling in all the gay scenes of mirth and jollity, we are apt to look at them, think of them, and draw such conclusions from them as these—Well, surely these people are happier in their ways, than I am in mine. They are strangers to my heart burdens and soul distresses. Mirth sits on their countenance, while grief and sorrow weigh me down. This was the experience of David, Job, Asaph, and the prophets. We frequently find them at times, sorely distressed on account of this. The chief of sinners, and the least of all saints, who now writes, has also been often tried and tempted in this matter. 

(2d.) We say, “They who work wickedness are set up.” It staggers our reason, to see open notorious and ungodly flourish in great esteem and abundance: while I think, if I am a child of God, I am despised, and can but just get the necessaries of life, and those with hard labour, and much care. 

(3d.) “Those who tempt God, are even delivered.” If they get into troubles and perplexities, though they daringly provoke God to His face, yet they find friends enough to deliver them, while I combat my troubles daily and no man cares for my soul. And therefore, 

(4th.) The words of the text are taken up. “What profit is it,” etc. O my soul! Lie low before the Lord. Be ashamed of thy base, carnal reasonings against, and unbelieving thoughts of thy God. What profit? Pride avaunt. Look not to thy keeping His ordinances, and walking mournfully in deep humiliation before the Lord. Yet do both constantly. But look to a covenant God in Christ—look at the precious free-grace promises, which are in Him: look to the Comforter, to receive freely out of the fulness of Jesus, love and salvation. 

Look not at others with an eye of envy, but look at thyself, with an eye of astonishment, and adore the distinguishing love of the Lord. What if thou hast not expected comforts in the way— what if thou walkest mournfully all the way: yet thou art blessed, and hast blessed promises to support thee. “Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted,” (Matthew 5:4.) Mind that precious word. They who sow in tears, shall reap in joy. He that weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, Psalm 126:5, 6. 


O that I had a stronger faith, 

To look within the vail: 

To credit what my Saviour saith, 

Whose words can never fail.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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