Let Love Abound over Lust: JESUS Save us!

"How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against GOD?" -Genesis 39:9 [KJV]

Look now at young Joseph, and say, Is not this the noblest reasoning against a fierce temptation? Here is a youth in the bloom of life, in the vigour of nature, passions ran high, affections strong, a violent temptation presents, a fair seducer solicits. Yet, amidst all this, with the coolness of age, with the grace of faith he reasons, and with a holy fortitude of soul he withstands and overcomes the sin. Here is a blessed lesson for you, ye youth! nor less instructive to me, and to you, ye aged! Every period of life has its peculiar temptations. Ye children of special grace, ye contenders for its glorious doctrines, consider, 

(1st.) What is implied in this, sin against God? Would not Joseph have sinned against the best of masters: against the wife of his master: against his own soul? Doubtless: but his God is above and beyond all other objects. The love of his gracious God was in his heart; the fear of his covenant God was before his eyes; the glory of the God of his salvation was near and dear to his soul. 

O believer! remember when tempted to commit sin, it is a great wickedness against the everlasting love of God your Father; the dying love of God your Redeemer; the reviving love of God your Comforter. Though sin cannot sink your soul into a hell of endless torment, yet it will surely bring a hell of misery into your conscience. Remember, it is against God. Look to Him. Flee from sin. With every temptation, God will make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. God is faithful. “He will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able, (I Corinthians 10:13.) Consider, 

(2d.) The force of his reasoning. How can I sin against God? Lay a peculiar emphasis upon God and I. Here it is not criminal, not arrogant, to introduce that little letter of great sound, I. What a peculiar spirit of the fire of generous love and holy energy is there in this question, How can I sin! Is it possible that I, hell-deserving, yet heaven-beloved I can wilfully and deliberately sin? I sin against my God! Can I set at nought His love, I wilfully violate His law, I deliberately defy His power? Impossible! 

His grace teaches me to deny all ungodliness. The love of Christ constrains from it. If lusts prevail, the sense of love is lost. O, let love abound over lust! Jesus, save me. This is the reasoning, this the prayer of genuine faith and generous love. “Sin shall not have the dominion over you; for you are not under the law, but under grace, (Romans 6:14.) “The grace of God teaches us, Titus 2:12


What man on earth can sin withstand, 

When suited to his lust, 

Unless upheld by God’s right hand? 

For he himself is dust. 

Lord, then Thy saving grace impart, 

When sin invades my soul: 

Let love be strong within my heart, 

And faith my lusts control.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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