Christ JESUS Is Our Life

"When Christ, Who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with Him in glory." -Colossians 3:4 [KJV]

I have read a book consisting of stories, and to be told to the Sultan of Arabia, to prevent a bloody design of his against his Sultaness. The relater of the tales was her own sister. She always contrived to leave off in the midst of her story, which he was so delighted with, as to promise not to destroy her sister, till it was ended. Thus by protracting the execution, she saved her sister’s life. Methinks there is no end to the history of Christ. Every fresh relation of Him delights the believing soul, and excites an inclination to hear more of Him again and again. For He averted the bloody execution of law and justice against us.—Every fresh tale of Him strengthens our faith of salvation by Him: sets our minds more and more against every evil, and stimulates us to every good. For, Christ is our life. 

O soul, can you ever believe too much of Him, or hope too much in Him? It is our fault, our shame, our misery, that we dwell no more on Him, and converse no more with Him. Is Christ thy life, O my soul? What sort of a life do I live? Jesus, wash me in Thy blood. Lord, pardon me by Thy grace. Favour my soul with fresh experience, that Thou art my life: so be the death of all my sins, and the life of all my graces. O appear, appear, in the power of Thy Spirit again and again in me, before Thou shalt appear in Thy power and glory to me. Christ shall appear. What are we looking at? Why stand we gazing on perishing objects? What are we waiting for? The Saviour? He shall appear. 

Perhaps the very next moment, as the Lord of life and death; He may say to the last enemy, Go, bring that saved sinner to Me, his life. O joyful word! Learn to welcome it. Faith will. For, “We shall appear with Him in glory.” How shall we appear? In what we were by faith, were not ashamed of, but gloried in here. Arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: the rich robe of Christ’s obedience, which is the righteousness of saints (see Revelation 19:8.) Mind, this is granted to us. If it was our own righteousness, we have a right to appear in it. There needs no grant of it. But it is Christ’s righteousness

Therefore a gift by grant to us. O remember, it is a sure and certain thing we shall appear (all the powers of hell cannot prevent it) with Christ in glory. Only believe. And you will love Christ, rejoice to obey Him, and long for His appearing. O Jesus, my life, appear to my soul this night in all the power of faith, the joy of hope, the comfort of love, and the fellowship of peace.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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