Christ JESUS ~ Day Spring & Morning Star from on High

"The day-spring from on high." -Luke 1:78 [KJV]

Truly it was so when Jesus came; for a long night of Jewish darkness and ignorance had covered the earth, and gross darkness the people. Look, my soul, at Jesus under this blessed similitude. Though it be evening with thee, this dayspring will give light, and the promise will be fulfilled, "at even-time it shall be light." Jesus was the day-spring in the everlasting council and purpose of Jehovah, when He stood up the light of His people from all eternity. And when, in the fulness of time, He came, it was to fulfil all the shadows of ordinances concerning Him. And what is it now, in every individual instance of His visiting His people, but as "the day-spring" on their souls? When first, from a state of nature, He calls them to a state of grace, is it not "the day-spring from on high?" And in all the after-stages, during a life of grace leading, to glory, is not every renewed manifestation of His love as the day-spring from on high?" And what will it be after the night of death, when Jesus shall come "to be glorified in His saints, and admired in all that believe," but the same? Jesus will then be "the day-spring," and "the morning-star" of that everlasting day, whose sun shall go down no more. Precious day-spring of my God! arise daily on my poor soul, and fill my heart with light and glory.


-preacher Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)


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